Bled 2018: 2nd UV4Plants Network Meeting

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Our 2nd Network Meeting took place in Bled, Slovenia from 15 to 18 April 2018.

The programme consisted in thematic sessions, group discussions and a general discussion. The conference was preceded by a training school.

Conference programme and Book of abstracts as PDF files

Books of abstracts as PDF (coming soon)

Group photographs and galleries from the UV4Plants 2nd Network Meeting at Bled.

Page last updated on 2018-04-17.

Group photograph of participants in the second UV4Plants Network Meeting in Bled, 17 April 2018.

In visible light as in any other conference for all, and behind the curtain our unique photograph for those not afraid of UV radiation.

(By the way, you can try to find whose eyeglasses provide good vs. weak UV protection.)

Visual quiz: you have to find who is missing in each photo.

Photo galleries from training school and conference.

Welcome party

Training school


Conference dinner

Honorary member special event

General discussion and closing


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