The 4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association – Thank you for participation

It is high time for a summary of the 4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association. The conference took place in Kraków, Poland from the 3rd to the 6th of July. It was organized at the Jagiellonian University by Justyna łabuz, Agnieszka Katarzyna Banaś, and Wojciech Strzałka. 60 scientists from 14 European countries and South and North Americas at the different stages of their scientific careers had an opportunity to exchange and share their experiences and results on different aspects of UV radiation. The participants had an opportunity to hear 24 talks grouped into six sessions, concentrating on topics related to plant adaptation and acclimation, UV light under natural conditions, different aspects of UVR8, and other photoreceptor signaling or UV-induced DNA damage and repair. The last session focused on practical applications of UV radiation. 26 posters were presented during the conference. Two of them were distinguished with prices founded by Agrisera and UV4Plants Association. The first award went to Neha Rai from the University of Geneva, Switzerland who presented a very interesting poster about “The UV-B photoreceptor mediated transcriptional regulation”. The second awardee was Gyula Czégény from the University of Pécs, Hungary who presented his work entitled “UVR8 mutation affects…

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4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association 03. – 06. July 2022 in Kraków, Poland

Dear Participants,

We are delighted to share with you the 3rd Circular and Maps with the detailed program of the 4th UV4Plants meeting, which include information about all the speakers and venues.

Third Circular


Looking forward to seeing you in Kraków!

For the local organizing committee: Justyna Łabuz, Agnieszka Katarzyna Banaś, Wojciech Strzałka

For UV4Plants Association: Prof. Gareth I. Jenkins, President


An overview of the 3rd Network/1st virtual UV4Plants Training school and Conference by two newcomers in the UV4Plants community.

Figure 1: Photo from a high altitude location in the Tatra mountains in Slovakia. Research by Lenka Procházková focusses on the local algal snow blooms, which occur notwithstanding exposure to elevated UV doses. Due to Covid-19, opportunities to meet up, and travel have been severely restricted. As a result, the UV4Plants training school and conference were organized online. The challenge of organising an online conference was accepted by Prof Wolfgang Bilger and Dr Frauke Pescheck with the technical support of the Master’s student Carina Lietz and Christiana Anagnostou, all of them from the University of Kiel, Germany. What was the outcome of undertaking this challenging task? Simply amazing! Using the Zoom and Mattermost platforms, the gap was reduced just to physical distance, since the floor was perfectly set for open, interesting and fruitful discussions, for meeting old colleagues and for finding new ones. The meeting was preceded by a successful Virtual Training School. The group of 25 participants comprised PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers from different parts of the world. Participants had a shared interest in getting a better insight into the basics of the exciting world of UV radiation and photosynthetic organisms. Each lecture was followed by facultative…

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4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association 03. – 06. July 2022 in Kraków, Poland

Dear colleagues, The International Association of Plant UV Research has the pleasure to invite you to the 4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association, from 3rd to 6th July 2022 in Kraków, Poland. Please refer to the Meeting 2022 WebPage for further details. The registration is prolonged until the 31st of May. Looking forward to seeing you in Kraków For the local organizing committee: Justyna Łabuz, Agnieszka Katarzyna Banaś, Wojciech Strzałka For UV4Plants Association: Prof. Gareth I. Jenkins, President  

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