Call for collaborators from Industry
CAV, Centro Attività Vivaistiche, is an Italian cooperative of commercial nurseries established in 1982 to assure production of healthy plant material of high quality. It has quarantine (i.e. screen houses) and field facilities for pre-base material conservation and the production of post-assay and indexed healthy base (mother) plants for its associated partners and outside customers, in compliance with national, EU and international certification standards and schemes. Cav also has a laboratory performing phytopathological analysis. According to the D.R. 8750, 07/09/1998 and 1329, 22/02/2001, CAV’s lab is equipped for microbiological tests (isolation and identification), for serological analysis (direct and indirect ELISA and IFAS) and for molecular tests (PCR, RT-PCR and Real Time PCR). These accreditations include testing for: -mites, insect pests, phytoplasmas, bacteria, fungi, viruses and viroids of fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants, including their propagation material; – fruit and vegetable cultivar identity; – grapevine health for clone registration (D.M. 25/10/2006). Our lab is authorized to conduct plant health assays for certification and registration of grapevine clones. The operative sphere of CAV concerns strawberry and other soft fruits, olive, grapevine, citrus fruits, artichoke, nut, walnut, pistachio, pomegranate, actinidia and other horticultural plants. In 2005 CAV was recognized by the Italian Ministry…