Bursaries for 2018 Network Meeting

UV4Plants Bursaries UV4Plants is offering up-to two bursaries of 200 Euros to early stage researchers (PhD students and postdocs) who will attend the 2nd Network Meeting in Bled to give an oral or poster presentation. Bursary holders will be expected to write a short article about their attendance at the conference for the UV4Plants Bulletin. All early stage researchers attending the meeting are strongly encouraged to apply, by submitting a statement (max 200 words) explaining why you merit the award of the bursary along with your submitted abstract to secretary@uv4plants.org by 15 January 2018.  

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2nd UV4Plants Network Meeting (Bled 2018)


Early registration ending on 10 February Deadline for poster abstracts’ submission extended until  20 March 2018 Information on accommodation and travel You are kindly invited to participate in UV4Plants 2nd Network Meeting that will be organised in Bled, Slovenia from 15th – 18th of April 2018. The meeting will be preceded by a related Training School for early-stage researchers from 13-15th of April. The meeting will involve a full programme involving three days of scientific presentations and discussions, the final programme is available. There will be ample opportunities for networking including a conference dinner and field excursion. Please see for details and circulate the announcement (PDF) and conference programme  (PDF). Here is a direct link to the >> registration form <<. Poster guidelines: [added 2018-03-27] Maximum poster size is A0, portrait: 841 x 1189 mm / 33.1 x 46.8 in (width x height). Please, highlight (e.g. underline name) of presenter if the poster has multiple authors. Having a (head and shoulders) photograph of the presenter either in the poster itself, or pinned to the same board as the poster is strongly recommended. For main text we recommend 30 point size, and no text smaller than 24 point anywhere in the poster. Title should…

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International Conference ‘UV LED Technologies & Applications’

April 22-25, 2018 · Berlin, Germany DEADLINE OF ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: December 15, 2017 It is all about UV LEDs – the variety of their structures, manufacturing technologies, applications, trends, and novel developments. The international conference ‘UV LED Technologies & Applications’ brings together experts from science and industry to crosslink and to discuss the related issues. The conference will be held from April 22 to 25, 2018 at the MELIÁ Hotel in Berlin, Germany. The conference is organized jointly by the German consortium ‘Advanced UV for Life’ and the ‘International Ultraviolet Association’. Advanced UV for Life is a consortium of more than 40 German industrial and academic partners working together in the development and application of UV LEDs within the framework of the Twenty20 initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) is an international organization that aims to advance the sciences, engineering and applications of ultraviolet technologies to enhance the quality of life and protect the environment.  

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2nd Network Meeting (1st announcement)

You are kindly invited to participate in UV4Plants 2nd Network Meeting that will be organised in Bled, Slovenia from 15th – 18th of April 2018. The meeting will be preceded by a related Training School for early-stage researchers from 13-15th of April. The meeting will involve a full programme involving three days of scientific presentations and discussions, and we are in the process of arranging expert speakers to lead each of the conference themes, stated in the file linked below. There will be ample opportunities for networking including a conference dinner and field excursion. Please see for details and circulate the 1st Announcement (PDF).

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UV-B Meetings 2017

We are pleased to inform UV4Plants members about two conference sessions focused on UV-B research. These sessions have been organized jointly with the European Society for Photobiology (ESP) and will be part of the ESP Congress in Pisa in September 2017. To help UV4Plants members attend we have agreed a reduced registration fee with ESP and are also offering several bursaries. There are also other plant and non-plant photobiology symposia in the ESP Congress that may be of interest (see http://pisa2017.photobiology.eu). Please see UV meetings announcement and programme as a PDF file. Registration and fees UV4Plants members attending on 5 and 6 September: 200 Euro; student members 125 Euro (non-members 255 Euro) UV4Plants members attending the 6 September meeting only: 150 Euro; student members 75 Euro (non-members 205 Euro) Students can attend the full ESP congress for 200 Euro (for details see website http://pisa2017.photobiology.eu) Registration is via the ESP Congress website (http://pisa2017.photobiology.eu). Abstract Submission deadline: 25 May Early registration deadline: 30 June UV4Plants Bursaries UV4Plants is offering up to 4 bursaries of 200 Euro to early stage researchers (PhD students and postdocs) who will attend both the Symposium and Satellite Meeting and give an oral or poster presentation at one of…

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