UV-B symposium at the Congress of the European Society for Photobiology

I am copying here a message we received from Roman Ulm:

Dear colleagues,

Gareth Jenkins and myself organize the below UV-B symposium at the European Society for Photobiology 2015 Congress (ESP2015; 31 August – 4 September 2015) in Aveiro, Portugal on September 3, 2015. This symposium will include the possibility of oral presentations selected from submitted abstracts, as well as a poster session – deadline for abstracts: May 20, 2015. We thus would like to encourage you and/or your postdocs and students to submit abstracts.

Plant UVB photoreceptors – orchestration of plant photoprotection
Chair: Gareth I. Jenkins (Glasgow, UK), Roman Ulm (Geneva, CH) Invited speakers: Pedro J. Aphalo (Helsinki, FI), Gareth Jenkins (Glasgow, UK), Roman Ulm (Geneva, CH), Xiaojing Yang (Chicago, US)


Thanks and best wishes,

And a message from Francesco Ghetti:

Dear Colleague Photobiologist,
You are cordially invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation at ESP 2015.
The Congress will be held over 4 days, from the evening of Monday 31st August to the evening of Friday 4th September 2015, in the beautiful town of Aveiro, known as “the Venice of Portugal”, because of its channels and characteristic colorful boats.
The Congress is listed in the Event Programme of the International Year of Light.
An exciting scientific programme is planned for the conference with more than 100 high profile invited speakers in 7 plenary keynote lectures and 27 symposia on:

* Photophysics and photochemistry of PDT
* Molecular and cellular aspects of PDT
* Tissular and cellular resistence to PDT
* Biomolecular aspects of topical PDT
* Vascular and immunological aspects of PDT
* Broad versus narrow wave-band action spectra
* DNA repair and carcinogenesis in response to UVR
* Melanin, melanoma and UV radiation
* Cellular and molecular aspects of photoprotection
* UV and immunomodulation in cancer
* Photobiological responses in different skin types
* Systemic photoprotection of skin cancer
* Emerging drug photosensitivity
* New light technologies for skin diseases
* Environmental Antimicrobial PDT
* Photodermatoses: research insights and new treatments
* Global change and quantitative modelling of photobiological responses
* Solar energy biofuels
* Environmental photochemistry
* Plant UVB photoreceptors orchestration of plant photoprotection
* The blue light syndrome
* New technologies to diagnose and treat blindness
* Molecular engineering and delivery of photosensitisers
* Photofunctional proteins
* Photosensors as indicators of biochemical processes in vivo
* Femtobiology: ultrafast primary aspects in photobiological processes
* Photobiology in industry

The Congress Organizing Committee look forward to welcoming you in Aveiro!

Please see the attached invitation and forward it to your colleagues.
Please visit the congress website at http://aveiro2015.photobiology.eu/

ESP2015 pdf poster

Rigor and Reproducibility

The NIH (USA, National Institutes of Health) has opened a new web site on the subject, which although focused on Biomedical research, provides a good account of current trends and problems, how to overcome them and guidelines that could be easily adapted for the rest of the Biosciences including UV-related research on plants.

Rigor and Reproducibility  at NIH (USA)

I propose that we follow the example of the Biophysical Society and write our own version of the guidelines adapted to the needs and problems of Plant UV-photobiology. Please give feedback on this idea by leaving a reply or comment.