In this page we list and provide links to the events that either the UV4Growth COST Action (up till 2015) or the UV4Plants Association (after 2016) have sponsored or organized.
UV4Growth COST Action (FA0906)
Meetings 2010 to 2014 and working groups at the UV4Growth “historical” website at University College Cork.
UV4Plants Association
Co-organized symposium at the ESP Congress, Aveiro, Portugal (31 August – 4 September 2015)
First Network Meeting of UV4Plants, International Association for Plant UV Research, Pécs, Hungary (30-31 May 2016) (programme and Abstracts Book available)
Training School, Pécs, Hungary (1-2 June 2016)
UV-B-stimulated plant protection (ESP-UV4Plants Joint Symposium), Pisa, Italy (5 September 2017) (programme available)
Satellite Meeting (Jointly organized by UV4Plants Association and ESP): Turning photobiology into commercial reality: exploiting UV radiation for sustainable and innovative food Pisa, Italy (6 September 2017) (programme available)
UV4Plants workshop “Modulation of plant UV-responses by environmental factors”, Brno Czech Republic, June 27-28, 2017 (circular aviable)
UV4Plants 2nd Network Meeting, Bled, Slovenia (15-18 April 2018) (programme available)
Training School, Bled, Slovenia (14-15 April 2018)
UV4Plants workshop “UV-B and Climate Change”, Cork, Ireland (15-16, April 2019)