To build on the advantages and achievements of the UV4Growth, a core-group of former members has now formed a new international association for plant UV-research, named UV4Plants.
The key aims of UV4Plants are:
- To promote and foster a culture of research-excellence and good practice in Plant UV Research through the organisation of innovative events in research, public engagement and education.
- To provide channels for members to inform the Plant UV Research community about relevant activities or events of common interest.
- To enhance the usefulness of Plant UV Research by facilitating the transfer of knowledge from academia to stakeholders and the general public.
- To initiate and foster stakeholder contacts as part of an agenda of product development.
- To liaise with scientific funding bodies to influence their research agenda.
- To develop with its members the benefits of membership and the relevance of the Association.
In practice, this will mean organising a mixture of UV-focussed plant conferences, training schools and lobbying for funding as well as to inform funding calls. It is anticipated that a General Meeting of the Association will be held every other year, in conjunction with a UV-related and/or plant conference.
The communication channels to be initially provided are a web site including News and Contributions sections, and a members’ e-mail list. At a later stage a database of member’s expertise will be created and used to facilitate collaboration.
The full Rules (plus other information) of the association can be found on the website (
To become a member, download and fill out the “membership form” which can also be obtained from the UV4Plants website, or from the secretary (Gyula Czégény, Membership fees for 2015 are EUR 25.- for students and retired staff, EUR 50.- for academic members, and EUR 250.- for industry members.
Hope that you will all support this initiative,UV4Plants
The UV4Plants managing committee
Dr Marcel Jansen (President),
Prof Åke Strid (Vice-President),
Mr Gyula Czégény (Secretary),
Dr Matt Robson (Treasurer),
Dr Pedro J. Aphalo (Communications Officer),
Dr Susanne Neugart (member),
Dr Laura Llorens Guasch (member).
Great web site!