UV4Plants at the Light & Life, 2019 ESP-IUPB World Congress, Barcelona

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During the last joint ESP-IUPB World Congress (17th International Congress on Photobiology and 18th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology), held in Barcelona on August 25-30th 2019, UV4Plants members presented several talks and posters dedicated to the role of UV in plants. Novel findings and perspectives of UV-research were covered by a key note lecture by Dongping Zhong and on several sessions devoted to plant, photosensory and environmental photobiology: “UV Radiation and Rapid Climate Change: Implications for Plants and Ecosystem”, “Blue Light and UV Receptors. In Memoriam Winslow Briggs”, “Effect of UV Light on Plants”, “Reactive Oxygen Species in Photosynthetic Organisms: Sensing and Defense”, “Photoreceptors and Plant Development”.

Additionally, on Wednesday 28 August, a social event for UV4Plants members was held in the Ayre Hotel Gran Via to strengthen the collaboration in a nice and friendly atmosphere.


UV4Plants Dinner

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