Jobs in Helsinki

A Post Doc and PhD position are available from September 2015 to investigate how forest canopies alter the spectrum of solar radiation providing signals for under-canopy plant growth and development. You will join our dynamic new research group in Canopy Spectral Ecology and Ecophysiology at the University of Helsinki, with forest research also in Lapland, France, Spain, the UK, and Czech Republic. Detailed information and application instructions are available at Apply with a CV, letter stating your motivation, and two references sent to Matthew Robson by April 1st 2015.

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Invitation to join our association

To build on the advantages and achievements of the UV4Growth, a core-group of former members has now formed a new international association for plant UV-research, named UV4Plants. The key aims of UV4Plants are: To promote and foster a culture of research-excellence and good practice in Plant UV Research through the organisation of innovative events in research, public engagement and education. To provide channels for members to inform the Plant UV Research community about relevant activities or events of common interest. To enhance the usefulness of Plant UV Research by facilitating the transfer of knowledge from academia to stakeholders and the general public. To initiate and foster stakeholder contacts as part of an agenda of product development. To liaise with scientific funding bodies to influence their research agenda. To develop with its members the benefits of membership and the relevance of the Association.

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CFCs, the ozone layer and global change

Most people reading this blog are likely to be aware of the role of CFCs in the thinning of the ozone layer and its extreme manifestation the “ozone hole”. (If not you will find explanations here and here and ozone depletion maps here, and information on the Montreal protocol here and here.) An article by Prof. Nigel Paul published in the The Conversation highlights the success of the protocol. However, what fewer people know is that CFCs are potent “greenhouse gases”, and a recent article discusses why of all measures taken up to day, what has most significantly contributed to slowing-down global warming is the Montreal protocol. In my view, to a large extent this just shows how little progress has been achieved in reducing emissions of other “greenhouse gases” like carbon dioxide. A recent article in The Economist highlights this.

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