An overview of the 3rd Network/1st virtual UV4Plants Training school and Conference by two newcomers in the UV4Plants community.

Figure 1: Photo from a high altitude location in the Tatra mountains in Slovakia. Research by Lenka Procházková focusses on the local algal snow blooms, which occur notwithstanding exposure to elevated UV doses. Due to Covid-19, opportunities to meet up, and travel have been severely restricted. As a result, the UV4Plants training school and conference were organized online. The challenge of organising an online conference was accepted by Prof Wolfgang Bilger and Dr Frauke Pescheck with the technical support of the Master’s student Carina Lietz and Christiana Anagnostou, all of them from the University of Kiel, Germany. What was the outcome of undertaking this challenging task? Simply amazing! Using the Zoom and Mattermost platforms, the gap was reduced just to physical distance, since the floor was perfectly set for open, interesting and fruitful discussions, for meeting old colleagues and for finding new ones. The meeting was preceded by a successful Virtual Training School. The group of 25 participants comprised PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers from different parts of the world. Participants had a shared interest in getting a better insight into the basics of the exciting world of UV radiation and photosynthetic organisms. Each lecture was followed by facultative…

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UV4Plants 3rd Network / 1st virtual Meeting, October 13th ─ 16th 2020

A great and unforgettable meeting is over! The conference was perfectly organized by Wolfgang Bilger and Frauke Pescheck with the technical support of Carina Lietz and Christiana Anagnostou from the University of Kiel, Germany. There were 125 participants from 30 countries. It was conducted using Zoom and the Mattermost platform, which provided space for formal and informal chats. The meeting consisted of 6 sessions and two discussion panels. The organizes have even provided a Musical Dinner, which served great music from Germany, Poland, and Ireland, instead of meals. It was a formidable get-together party. Out of posters and presentations prepared by ESR researchers, four of them: Zheng Zhou, Aneta Bazant, Laura Díaz-Guerra, and Alicia Perera-Castro were awarded 100 Euro bursary (to be used for a future UV4Plant event). The meeting was preceded by a successful Virtual Training School, with 25 participants.

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Virtual 3rd UV4Plants Network Meeting 2020

Dear Participants of the 3rd UV4Plants Network Meeting 2020 and dear interested UV-researchers,

after a long period with hope and discussions we want to inform you that the 3rd UV4Plants Meeting will take place in a virtual form. It is a pity that we cannot meet in person, but on the other hand, this format will open our community to participants from all over the world. We are excited to adapt the conference to the new format. We hope that you will help us with your participation to make the first virtual UV4Plants Meeting a vital and exciting conference!

We are opening the meeting again for new participants. New registrations can be done by email to Deadline for submission of new or additional poster presentations will be September 15th. Registration fees are 40 Euros and for students 20 Euros. Refund of the difference to the former fees will be organised soon. For new registrations, please, transfer the conference fee to the bank account given on the Conference Web Page.

The dates for the meeting will be from October 13th to October 16th. Corresponding to the different time zones, we are envisaging a core time from 12:00 to 18:00 Central European Summer Time for the oral / poster presentations.

With best wishes,
Frauke Pescheck and Wolfgang Bilger