Web site news
Our web hosting provider has upgraded the server hardware, and this seems to have notably improved the response time of both of our sites, this web site and the UV4Plants Bulletin web site. Today I did software updates. At this web site, the social sharing buttons are now in a more visible floating bar on the left side of posts and pages. The changes at the Bulletin’s web site are more significant. I upgraded OJS (Open Journals System) to version, which seems to have solved the problem of icons not been always displayed. I enabled new features through plugins: 1) Social sharing buttons in individual article pages; 2) preview of PDFs in the web browser with option to download the file; 3) Hypothesis.is shared annotations support is enabled. The third item needs additional explanation. Hypothesis.is is a shared annotaion system based on open standards. Only a few days ago Highwire Press announced that it will adopt it for more than 3000 journals and eBooks. To use this system you will need to create an account at https://hypothes.is/ where you can also find information on aims and also use instructions.