PC&E UV special issue
All papers in the UV Special Issue of Plant, Cell & Environment are available through the journal’s site.
All papers in the UV Special Issue of Plant, Cell & Environment are available through the journal’s site.
A New Publication: The UV4Plants Bulletin [notice added 2017-03-05] Currently the UV4Plants Bulletin is published using OJS and has its own website, where published articles and issues are available for download under open access as well as manuscript submissions are accepted. The scope, instructions to authors, and the list of members of the editorial board are also published through this new site. The preparatory work for our Association’s Bulletin has been completed. Aims and Scope, and the names of the members of the founding editorial board have been published as a page in this web site. Instructions for manuscript submission are available on a separate web page. We aim at making our association’s UV4Plants Bulletin a publication channel for articles of long-lasting interest. The Bulletin will accept submissions both from members and non-members, and will also publish invited articles. The electronic version will be open-access to all, while the printed version will be available at a charge, but at half price for members. At least initially, no paid subscriptions will be available. Instead, members and subscribers will be informed when each new issue becomes available. TheUV4Plants Bulletin will have an ISSN code and will be electronically archived. DOI codes will be assigned…
The NIH (USA, National Institutes of Health) has opened a new web site on the subject, which although focused on Biomedical research, provides a good account of current trends and problems, how to overcome them and guidelines that could be easily adapted for the rest of the Biosciences including UV-related research on plants. Rigor and Reproducibility at NIH (USA) I propose that we follow the example of the Biophysical Society and write our own version of the guidelines adapted to the needs and problems of Plant UV-photobiology. Please give feedback on this idea by leaving a reply or comment.
The third edition of Prof. Lars Olof Björn’s Photobiology: The Science of Light and Life is now available. ISBN 978-1-4939-1468-5 (eBook), ISBN 978-1-4939-1467-8 (hardcover). It is available for purchase from Springer, The Book Depository, Amazon.de and other book stores.