UV4Plants Bulletin 2020: 1 published

A new issue of the UV4Plants Bulletin was published this week. As usual all contents is under open-access and PDF files available for individual articles and the whole issue. Back issues are available in the archive and all contents can be searched at our OJS server by authors and title as well as through Google Scholar which has already indexed this latest issue. All articles and the whole issue have been assigned permanent DOIs. Manuscript submissions for the next issue are warmly welcome. Submissions are subjected to peer-review. The journal is published only electronically and there are no charges for colour illustrations or open access.

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Spring Ozone Hole detected on 2020-04-04

In the news today in Finland is told that a Spring ozone hole similar to that usual over Antarctica has been detected today for the first time over the Arctic. Data is from sounding in the north of Finland. News says: 90% of stratospheric ozone reduction at an altitude of 18 km. Current ozone column of 271 DU compared to the usual 416 DU at this location and time of the year. I found the news only in Finnish, published a bit over an hour ago. Anyway, current UV-Index and 2-days forecast is available at https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/uv-index. This page covers the whole planet and has links to detailed maps for different regions.    

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4th ESP Photobiology School

We have received from ESP the following announcement of interest to UV4Plants members. Dear Colleague, Registration is open for the 4th ESP Photobiology School, taking place in the beautiful Brixen/Bressanone in South Tyrol, Italy, from 20 to 25 June 2016. The updated programme and registration and logistic information are available at the page www.photobiology.eu/photobiology_school. The purpose of the school is to provide an introductory overview of all main aspects of photobiology, presented by experts in each area. The course is designed for PhD and Master students, as well as for scientists interested in an overview of the photobiological sciences. The School is strongly supported by ESP and this is reflected in the low registration fee. In addition, low cost accommodation will be provided. After completion of the course an attendance certificate will be provided to all the students. An optional short final test will be offered at the end of the course and an exam certificate will be provided after evaluation of the exam results. Passing the exam will entitle students to apply for the ESP supplement to the PhD degree. Please circulate this information to your colleagues and students. Best regards Francesco Ghetti ESP Treasurer

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Site transfer to new host completed!

Our mailing lists should be now working. If you have not received a welcome message please send a message to mailto:info@uv4plants.org. The whole site has been transferred to a different server. (A webhotel from a different provider called webbinen.net.) This has also decreased the page load delays that the site has had rather frequently. As the domain names have been transferred no visible signs of the change except for possible improvement in performance are expected. If you experience slower page loads or find broken links or other problems in the site please report them to mailto:info@uv4plants.org.

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5th annual meeting of the UK Plant Sciences Federation

Dr. Alan G. Jones has informed us of a conference of interest to our Association’s members: Dear UV4 Plant Secretary, I would be grateful if you could forward information to your members about the 5th annual meeting of the UK Plant Sciences Federation in UK 11-12th April 2016. The theme this year is ‘Plants in a changing world: molecule to ecosystem’. This year we also have a British Ecological Society sponsored session on ‘Ecological Resilience’ Abstract submission closes on 22nd Feb. For further details please go to the meeting website: http://plantsci2016.org.uk/ Best wishes, Alan Dr Alan G. Jones, MRSB

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