UV4Plants conference 2016 – first circular

You are cordially invited to participate the 1st Network Conference of The International Association for Plant UV-Research (UV4Plants), to be held in Pécs (Hungary), on the 30th – 31st of May 2016. The conference hopes to bring together researchers from universities, research institutes and companies with the aim of promoting and fostering a culture of research-excellence and good practice in plant UV research. Oral communications and poster presentations are equally welcome. Please let your colleagues know about the conference, especially early stage researchers. Please find enclosed the first circular which will be followed by more details soon. We look forward to meeting you at Pécs, at the network conference: The PDF of the first circular related to the conference is available as a PDF file for download. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Abstract template – UV4Plants conference

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First issue of the UV4Plants Bulletin is out!

The first issue of our Bulletin is now ready. Because ISSNs are assigned only after publication of the first issue, the PDF will be updated with ISSN and DOIs as soon as they get assigned. Except for this the issue is in its final shape. The PDF will be deposited in a public repository and assigned an URI. PDFs for individual articles will be deposited as soon as DOIs are assigned to them. At the same time printed on-demand copies will become available for purchase (at cost for UV4Plants members). The PDF file is available through a page at this site. We hope you enjoy reading this issue, and that you will submit manuscripts for future issues. The process of graphical design, typesetting and administrative issues related to repositories and registration for ISSN and DOIs have been time consuming. Most of this work does not need to be repeated for future issues, and I expect  to keep to a schedule of two issues per year, in Spring and Autumn. I want to warmly thank all authors, the members of the editorial board and all those who contributed in diverse ways to the production of this issue for their hard work.…

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ESP Photobiology School

A photobiology school that will be organized by ESP can be of interest to UV4Plants members. 4th ESP PHOTOBIOLOGY SCHOOL 20-25 June, 2016 Casa della Gioventù Universitaria of the University of Padova, Italy Organizing Committee: Kristian Berg (NO, Chair), Rex M. Tyrrell (UK, ESP President), Lesley E. Rhodes (UK, ESP ETC Chair), Giorgia Miolo (IT, Local Organizer), Francesco Ghetti (IT, ESP Treasurer), Santi Nonell (ES, ESP President-Elect)

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Live feeds from blogs

We have had since the creation of this site a page with live feeds from blogs kept by the commercial members of our association. Today I have created a new page to for live feeds from blogs kept by our academic members. The pages can be accessed through the  “News” menu, or through the page index. If you are a member of the association and keep a blog on a subject of interest to at least part of our membership, I would be glad to receive your blog’s feed address as to add it to the page at this site. I only need the feed URL, and  a suggested title to use in the listing. A live feed means that the listing at this site will always show the five more recent posts from your blog, with their title, description, and date.

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UV4Plants News (2015-10-01)

Dear UV4Plants members, It has been a long time since I last wrote to you. My apologies for this long period of silence. Yet, despite the silence, lots of things have happened behind the screens, and the association for plant UV Research, UV4Plants, is now firmly established. Administrative hurdles were more cumbersome than anticipated. I never thought that opening a bank account for an association, without attracting tax liabilities, would be so difficult. However, now that “administrative aspects” are finalised, the focus is shifting to scientific activities (Thanks to Matthew Robson and Gyula Czégény). In this sense I want to emphasise that the association very much welcomes ideas from members for future activities. The association strongly encourages members to take advantage of UV4Plants when initiating activities such as lab-exchanges, training schools, and Europe (or world?)-wide joint experiments, similar to the wine-leaf, Arabidopsis and Lolium experiments, which were such highlights of COST Action UV4Growth. Ultimately, the association will be what the members make of it! Please feel free to use the UV4Plants linkedin group (https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=6961083) to share and explore ideas. Also, members of the management committee (see UV4Plants website) will be very happy to hear from you! Here a flavour of…

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