
UV4Plants wishes to encourage members to organize short virtual workshops. They would be valuable in spreading expertise and promoting collaborations. Workshops could be held at any time. The contribution of ESRs would be explicitly appreciated.  We invite expressions of interest from members in hosting a workshop. Please send proposals to the Secretary, UV4Plants ( Submissions can be made at any time and should include the names of the proposed organizers; the proposed topic (with rationale for its selection and giving an outline of what will be covered in the workshop and who will be involved); duration and proposed dates; an indication of costs for attendees (if any) to cover costs of organization. However, if possible, participation should be free of charge for UV4Plants members. If desired, the Mattermost Platform can be used to support the meeting. UV4Plants will advertise the workshop and provide support to help it be successful.

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Prof. Martyn Caldwell

We would like to inform you that Prof. Martyn Caldwell died a couple of days ago. He conducted important research on UV radiation and for many years he has been leading the UNEP panel assessing the Environmental Effects of ozone depletion and UV-B radiation.

The obituary and tribute wall can be viewed here.

Membership renewal or joining 2021

A new year is starting so it is the best time to join the UV4Plants Association for those who are not yet members, and the right time to renew membership for those already part of UV4Plants!

The Corona pandemic is also affecting our Association. Meetings were only possible online last year and this year it is not yet clear in which form meetings can take place.

Therefore we want to offer our members

1. to pay the full membership fee in exchange for membership for 2021 and 2022.
2. to pay half the membership fee for 2021.

Members who have already paid fall into category 1.
New members automatically fall into category 2.

Details about the updated registration form are available at this website under Rules, membership, and contacts. We are an international organization and warmly welcome members from all countries and regions of the world to join our friendly and open community.